Sticking of concrete

What is sticking concrete?

Sticking concrete that adheres to the moulds is a well-known issue that is easily prevented. It can affect not only the quality of your concrete surface but also of your moulds. Concrete residues left on the mold increase cleaning time and costs. 

What are the causes?

There are several causes for concrete to stick to moulds, but the most common is the use of the wrong type of release agent. The release agent has not been developed for that specific application, type of concrete, production method,... In our many years of experience, we have not yet found an unambiguous solution that fits everything. 

When using vibration techniques in the concrete, this can lead to wear and tear of the release agent. very often when performed in one place in the concrete. The concrete adheres to the mould, causing it to stick. 

In connection with the above causes, the pouring process can play an important role in the adhering of concrete. If the pouring of concrete takes place in only one place in the mould, it can also lead to wear and tear of the release agent. 

If you don't give your concrete enough time to harden or cure, it may be too wet when released. The adhesive concrete is damaged by the vacuum phenomenon that occurs. 

  • Use a release agent developed for the specific application
  • Apply the release agent in the correct manner
  • Avoid degradation of the release agent by pouring in movements
  • Avoid degradation of the release agent by vibrating the concrete at several spots in the concrete
  • Let the concrete cure properly